Impossible Junction is an audiovisual installation that Kristian Ross, Marie Møller Jensen and I developed in the winter of 2009-2010.

In short, it is a traffic regulation in the middle of a pedestrian tunnel at Aarhus University. The pedestrians have to stop for different auditory phenomenons crossing the tunnel in an imaginary intersecting path.

The installation can be seen as an absurd and, hopefully, humorous comment on the way our bodily movement in urban spaces is very restricted and regulated. We have given the supremacy of urban space to big machines (cars) both in terms of physical and auditory space. There is an unequal power relationship between our human body and the machines – something we take for granted today as an inevitable part of modern life…

This video is a short walk-through (literally) of the installation - Kristian explains (in Danish):

Below, you find links to two articles (in Danish). The first one is our project report and the second one is a small paper with reflections on sound and power relations.

Impossible Junction report (in Danish) Thoughts on sound an power (in Dansish)